As a coastal dweller...fog is most definitely not a stranger here. I see it on my way to work and school; some mornings it is so thick, it's zero visibility.
Sadly, sometimes this is what life can seem at times. Zero visibility. Hard to focus, hard to move. Come to think of it, where am I, where am I going? This is SO not an okay position to be in!
"The fog" represents a form of confusion. Perhaps as a result of a flashback to the old life.
The Lord's been doing a lot of work in my heart. Like the sun burning straight through the fog, so He cuts through the wishy-washiness, the zero visibility.

This figurative "fog" is every bit as dangerous as the real thing. To try to maneuver your way through life when you can't see where you are going is bad, to just sit there because you can't see in order to go anywhere is even worse.
I've heard before from my mom, that in regard to being called to live for Christ,
"stop turning aside to old neighborhoods. You don't live there anymore."
Just when you don't think you need that reminder anymore, you find that you do. Thank God for reminders! May God grant us the grace and the humilty to move on in this new life and serve Him wholeheartedly, without looking back.
(disclaimer: neither of these pictures came from my area...the first looks like it did, but the second is from the UK)