So, in January, I was ever-so-blessed with this, my very own car:
Yeah we've made great friends. I have sometimes missed my other car (perhaps because we were parted so suddenly and without ceremony!), but in some ways, this one is everything that one wasn't...which is kind of nice.
I was borrowing my dad's...and, um...the transmission went out when I was driving it. Now I get teased that I am bad luck to cars and shouldn't touch anyone's. Ha ha HA.
School is just about over now! Technically, it is, but I am still finishing up a class that I have to submit to my teacher by July. It's hard to get motivated when I am tired of school, but easier to get motivated because that is the only thing I have to work on. Seriously, though, when you really think about it, who is THAT motivated to do school, anyway? ;)
I have been offered some summertime responsibilities at work, it is a great opportunity to learn some new skills and help out, and put in some more hours. Last week I worked my first 24-hr. work week in was insane, I left at 2pm on Thursday to go home till Monday! It was fun, though.
And, of course, here are Abby and Baylee (and Samson!) now. Notice the abundance of fur in comparison to my Oct./Nov. posts!