Friday, May 17, 2013

Breaking My Four-year Silence

Hello to any/all who still keep track of my site!

I cannot believe I still have this blog after all these years!
Well, so much has transpired over the last 4 years, that I wouldn't even know where to start. In short, life is good - I feel very contented where I am right now, and wouldn't change a thing.

I now have a job (same company) as a tech editor, and I love every day of it. Even if the day is bad, a quick trip to our new espresso machine can remedy that in a hurry. I am friends with a few of my coworkers, and at times it isn't even like working. We're quite spoiled. But then there are days that are so incredibly busy that it's impossible to please everyone. Suffice it to say, I've become an expert in stress relief supplements.

I have two chinchillas, Chuzzle and Olive (a.k.a. "bad little girl") now, who I love very much. Our fluffy Baylee left us a couple of years ago and we miss her, but Abby and Samson are still here - they still hang around for us to laze around with on the weekends.

It's funny that my last post was about my new car, as right now I'm currently in the market for another one. I'm excited about its replacement already - it's going to be a good one. :)

Chuzzle (left) and Olive (right)