Thursday, November 22, 2007


This past week I was reading in All Things for Good by Thomas Watson. Something that really stood out to me was the following:

"Water in the glass looks clear, but set it on fire, and the scum boils up."
"...'Oh,' says a Christian, 'I never thought I had such a bad heart, as now I see I have; I never thought my corruptions had been so strong, and my graces so weak.'"

This has proven much true in my own life, there's been many a time as of late when I have thought, "yikes, is this really how I am...did that really come out of me?" only to realize that not only was it me that was like that, but the very things that horrified me so badly were really only the tip of the iceberg.

Living a blameless life was never really something I thought I had a problem with. Which is a problem in and of itself! My own pride was blatantly obvious... Thank God for revealing existing impurity day by day and not just expecting righteous living, but making it possible. My encouragement to my readers is, find out just how possible! Learn and grow, and never visit your old life. It's dead and buried in that graveyard, and it has no control over you.

Now that is something to give thanks for.

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